"Balisage: The Markup Conference" (http://www.balisage.net) is an annual peer-reviewed XML conference: how to create markup; what it means; hierarchies and overlap; modeling; taxonomies; transformation; query, searching, and retrieval; presentation and accessibility; making systems that make markup dance (or dance faster to a different tune in a smaller space).
Come to lovely Montreal, Canada from August 3rd to 6th for four action-packed days of angle brackets! Here’s a baker dozen (or so) sampling from the much larger list of Balisage 2010 presentations:
- gXML, a new approach to cultivating XML trees in Java
- Java integration of XQuery — an information unit oriented approach
- Reverse modeling for domain-driven engineering of publishing technology
- Managing semantics in XML vocabularies
- XML pipeline processing in the browser
- Where XForms meets the glass: Bridging between data and interaction design
- Schema component paths for schema analysis
- A streaming XSLT processor
- Multi-structured documents and the emergence of annotations vocabularies
- Processing arbitrarily large XML using a persistent DOM
- Automatic upconversion using XProc
- Scripting documents with XQuery
- XQuery design patterns
- Parallel processing and your XML data
Want to travel on the weekend so you can talk about angle brackets for an extra day? Then register for the pre-conference symposium on August 2nd, “XML for the Long Haul: Issues in the Long-term Preservation of XML”.
Schedule At-a-Glance: http://www.balisage.net/2010/
Detailed schedule with descriptions: http://www.balisage.net/2010/
XML for the Long Haul: http://www.balisage.net/
Tower of Modern Babel Contest - Chance to win an Apple 15" (i5) MacBook Pro, Apple MacBook Air or USD $2000: http://www.balisage.net/
Sponsors include: Mark Logic, oXygen XML Editor, and the FLWOR Foundation. Co-sponsors include: W3C, OASIS, Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, XML Guild, TEI Encoding Initiative, Washington Area SGML/XML Users Group, Philadelphia XML Users Group, and many more. Balisage 2010 is a production of Mulberry Technologies, Inc., a Washington area XML and SGML consultancy.